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Statutory Information and Policies

School Policies

Please click on the policy documents below to view the relevant school policy or guidance. If you would like a hard copy of our school policies, please contact the school office.

Financial Benchmarking

To view the school's financial benchmarking, please click here


We are very proud of our most recent OFSTED REPORT which graded our school as outstanding. The report can be viewed below.

To compare our performance against other schools please click here to visit the School Performance Comparison website.


Parent View

OFSTED's Parent View gives parents and carers the chance to tell Ofsted what you think of your child’s school, including:

  • how happy your child is at the school
  • how the school manages bullying or challenging behaviour

If your child has special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), you will be asked about how well the school supports them.

The Parent View questionnaire can be completed at any time, you do not have to wait until the school is being inspected. 

Visit OFSTED'S Parent View WEBSITE

Further statutory information about our school can be viewed on the links below.

In addition to the Admission Guidance below, there is a page dedicated to Admissions on the school website.

Click here to view 



  1. Download
    1. Academic Data & Outcome Report 2021/22
  2. Download
    2. Academic Data & Outcome Report 2022/23
  3. Download
    Accessibility Plan
  4. Download
    Access Policy Statement
  5. Download
    Admission Guidance
  6. Download
  7. Download
    Allegations Against Staff Policy 2023/24
  8. Download
  9. Download
    Behaviour Policy
  10. Download
    Bower Grove School Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
  11. Download
    Careers and Work Exp Policy
  12. Download
    Charging and Remissions
  13. Download
    Collective Worship
  14. Download
    Community Cohesion
  15. Download
    Complaints Procedure
  16. Download
    Curriculum Policy
  17. Download
    Equalities Policy
  18. Download
    Financial Information
  19. Download
    Fire and Emergency Evacuation Plan
  20. Download
    Freedom of Information
  21. Download
    Home and School Agreement
  22. Download
    Image Use Policy
  23. Download
    Internet Access Policy
  24. Download
  25. Download
    Online Safety Policy
  26. Download
    Primary PE Sports Funding (updated May '23)
  27. Download
    Positive Handling Policy - Use of Force to Control or Restrain a Pupil
  28. Download
    Relationships and Sex Education
  29. Download
    Pupil Premium
  30. Download
    Remote Learning Policy
  31. Download
    School Aim
  32. Download
    School Curriculum Plan
  33. Download
  34. Download
    SEN & Disability Policy
  35. Download
    Staff Absence Policy
  36. Download
    Staff Code of Conduct Policy
  37. Download
    Stress Management Policy
  38. Download
    Suspension and Permanent Exclusion Policy
  39. Download
    Tackling Extremism and Radicalisation Policy
  40. Download
  41. Download
    Whistleblowing SPS Supplement
  42. Download
    World Beliefs Policy